Please read the following!

1. All new recruits will go through boot camp.

2. Once boot camp is over and you have proved yourself worthy, thenand only then will you bear the _5thE behind your name.

3. All boot camp recruits must have =B5thE= behind their name!


5. You will report any ill conduct from your drill Seargent to COL. RAVEN or MAJ. HUDSON HAWK immediately.

6. You will have respect on the battlefield towards all players(enemy and ally) on the battlefield.

7. If any other Squads' member treats you disrespectfully you will bring it to Col. Raven or Maj. Hudson's attention immediately(name and squad of person needed) and we will handle it accordingly.

8. Rank is given out only when earned!

9. If you play well and put forth an effort you will advance in Rank.

I am sorry about all of the rules. I want everyone in 5th Element Battallion to have fun, but some rules are needed.

The main goal of this Battallion is to kick some serious tail and have fun doing it.